Types of Plastics and their Recycling Ability
There are various types of plastics but the most common types are:
1 – Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE or Polyester)
PET is also known as a wrinkle-free fiber, mostly used for food and drink packaging purposes due to its strong ability to prevent oxygen from getting in and spoiling the product inside. It also helps to keep the carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks from getting out.
Soda bottles, Water bottlesn, Salad dressing bottles, Medicine jars, Peanut butter jars, Jelly jars, Combs, Bean bags, Rope, Tote bags, Carpet, Fiberfill material in winter clothing.
Recycling Identification:
![PET Recycling Symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/1.png)
PET Recycling Symbol
Recyclable: Yes
Repurposed to make:
Textiles, carpets, pillow stuffing, life jackets, storage containers, clothing, boat sails, auto parts, sleeping bags, shoes, luggage, winter coats
2 – High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Quite special compared to the other types, HDPE has long virtually unbranched polymer chains which makes them really dense and thus, stronger and thicker from PET. HDPE is commonly used as the grocery bag, opaque milk, juice container, shampoo bottles, and medicine bottle.
Not only recyclable, HDPE is relatively more stable than PET. It is considered as a safer option for food and drinks use, although some studies have shown that it can leach estrogen-mimicking additive chemicals that could disrupt human’s hormonal system when exposed to ultraviolet light.
Milk jugs, Juice containers, Grocery bags, Trash bags, Motor oil containers, Shampoo and conditioner bottles, Soap bottles, Detergent containers, Bleach containers, Toys.
Recycling Identification:
![HDPE recycling symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/HDPE_Icon.png)
HDPE recycling symbol
Recyclable: Yes
Repurposed to make: Plastic crates, lumber, fencing
3 – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
PVC or vinyl used to be the second most widely used plastic resin in the world (after polyethylene), before the manufacture and disposal process of PVC has been declared as the cause of serious health risks and environmental pollution issues.
In the term of toxicity, PVC is considered as the most hazardous plastic. The use of it may leach a variety of toxic chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, lead, dioxins, mercury, and cadmium. Several of the chemicals mentioned may cause cancer; it could also cause allergic symptoms in children and disrupt the human’s hormonal system. PVS is also rarely accepted by recycling programs. This is why PVC is better best to be avoided at all cost.
Application: Some tote bags, Plumbing pipes, Grocery bags, Tile, Cling films, Shoes, Gutters, Window frames, Ducts, Sewage pipes
Recycling Identification:
![PVC recycling symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/3.png)
PVC recycling symbol
Recyclable: Yes but call your recycler
Repurposed to make: Flooring, mobile home skirting
4 – Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
As said before, Polyethylenes are the most used family of plastics in the world. This type of plastic has the simplest plastic polymer chemical structure, making it very easy and very cheap to process. LDPE polymers have significant chain branching including long side chains making it less dense and less crystalline (structurally ordered) and thus a generally thinner more flexible form of polyethylene.
Application: LDPE is mostly used for bags (grocery, dry cleaning, bread, frozen food bags, newspapers, garbage), plastic wraps; coatings for paper milk cartons and hot & cold beverage cups; some squeezable bottles (honey, mustard), food storage containers, container lids. Also used for wire and cable covering.
Although some studies have shown that LDPE could also cause unhealthy hormonal effects in humans, LDPE is considered as a safer plastic option for food and drink use. Unfortunately, this type of plastic is quite difficult to be recycled.
Recycling Identification:
![LDPE recycling symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/4.png)
LDPE recycling symbol
Recyclable: Yes but call your recycler
Repurposed to make: Garbage cans, lumber
5 – Polypropylene (PP)
Stiffer and more resistant to heat, PP is widely used for hot food containers. Its strength quality is somewhere between LDPE and HDPE. Besides in thermal vests, and car parts, PP is also included in the disposable diaper and sanitary pad liners.
Same as LDPE, PP is considered a safer plastic option for food and drink use. And although it bears all those amazing qualities, PP isn’t quite recyclable and could also cause asthma and hormone disruption in human.
Application: Plastic diapers, Tupperware, Kitchenware, Margarine tubs, Yogurt containers, Prescription bottles, Stadium cups, Bottle caps, Take-out containers, Disposable cups and plates
Recycling Identification:
![PP recycling symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/5.png)
PP recycling symbol
Recyclable: No
Repurposed to make: Ice scrapers, rakes, battery cables
6 – Polystyrene (PS)
Polystyrene / styrofoam plastic
Polystyrene is the Styrofoam we all commonly used for food containers, egg cartons, disposable cups and bowls, packaging, and also bike helmet. When exposed with hot and oily food, PS could leach styrene that is considered as brain and nervous system toxicant, it could also affect genes, lungs, liver, and immune system. On top of all of those risks, PS has a low recycling rate.
Disposable coffee cups, Plastic food boxes, Plastic cutlery, Packing foam, Packing peanuts
Recycling Identification:
![PS recycling symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/6.png)
PS recycling symbol
Recyclable: No
Repurposed to make: Insulation, license plate frames, rulers
7 – Other
Number 7 is for all plastics other than those identified by number 1-6 and also plastics that may be layered or mixed with other types of plastics, such as bioplastics. Polycarbonate (PC) is the most common plastic in this category, isn’t used as much in recent years due to it being associated with bisphenol A (BPA). PC is also known by various name: Lexan, Makrolon, and Makroclear. Ironically, PC is typically used for baby bottles, sippy cups, water bottles, water gallon, metal food can liner, ketchup container, and dental sealants. Due to its toxicity, several countries have banned the use of PC for baby bottles and infant formula packaging.
The BPA that contained inside PC have been linked to numerous health problems including chromosome damage in female ovaries, decreased sperm production in males, early onset of puberty, various behavioural changes, altered immune function, sex reversal in frogs, impaired brain and neurological functions, cardiovascular system damage, adult-onset (Type II) diabetes, obesity, resistance to chemotherapy, increased risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, infertility, and metabolic disorders.
Application: Plastic CDs and DVDs, Baby bottles, Large water bottles with multiple-gallon capacity, Medical storage containers, Eyeglasses,
Exterior lighting fixtures
Recycling Identification:
![Other plastics recycling symbol](https://green-hop.com.vn/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/7.png)
Other plastics recycling symbol
Recyclable: very low recycle rate quality, PC is to be avoided at all cost.
Repurposed to make: Plastic lumber (which is often used in outdoor decks, molding, and park benches)